Certify Your Skills with Ontario Bridge Training Program
The province of Ontario is the most popular destination for Canadian immigrants to study, work and settle. Immigrants looking for work within this province may find themselves competing against Canadian citizens, permanent residents and other immigrants like themselves. In order to stand out amongst the competition, the Government of Ontario developed the Ontario Bridge Training Program (OBTP).

The OBTP is more than just a resume enhancer. It offers significant training in blending your international skills with the demands of Canadian employers. As the name of the program states, it is a bridge to the Ontario work experience, as the training and education involved will help you adapt to the province’s current work culture. By the end of a successful training, you will be provided with a license or certificate, stating that you are professionally trained in a certain skill. This license/certificate is a key asset in higher-level positions.
You will be exposed to a variety of training and preparation courses needed in your desired profession upon joining the program. While there are different programs with specific education that qualify as bridge training, all of them will enhance your:
- Technical and essential skills
- Proper communication in the workplace
- Career planning
- Networking with employers and other employees in your industry.
- Certification exam preparation.
These programs differ from one another regarding location, learning channel distribution, schedules and program length.
There are a wide array of specialty programs available for immigrants to apply and enroll. The types of programs include but not limited to:
Building Code Skills Development for Internationally Trained Individuals
Offered in George Brown College, this program is designed to equip students with the necessary tools and networks to help in their transition into Canada’s construction and building sector. This program is entirely funded by the Province of Ontario, meaning no fees associated with enrolling. The duration of this study is 20 weeks worth of skill training and 1 year of post program support.
Information Technology Infrastructure
Provided by Humber College, this bridge program enhances immigrants in their skills in information technology, computer science and engineering. This hands-on program is 15 weeks worth of training and networking which will allow them to gain industry concepts specific to Ontario and Canada overall.
Professional Excellence in Financial Services
Delivered by Seneca College, this program helps internationally trained financial experts adapt to Canada’s financial labour market. It offers plenty of connection and networking opportunities with employers from banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, stock brokerage and even government finance. 80% of graduates have found employment in the financial industry.
Hamilton Health Sciences’ Internationally Educated Nurse Program
Developed by Hamilton Health Sciences, this program is dedicated to support internationally trained nurses in their transitioning to Canada’s dynamic healthcare. The program offers proper clinical integration, skills development and job shadowing. Foreign nurses new to Canada will get an opportunity to experience first hand the healthcare industry in Ontario.
Programs based on Microsoft Suite, Cloud Developing, Supply Chain, Engineering and other specialized topics are also available. Read here to learn more.
Based on a study conducted this past year, 80% of trainees have found employment in their field of expertise within one year of completing their program. Another 80% have expressed their satisfaction and would recommend the program to their foreign workers. This proven success has enticed the Government of Ontario to support these programs and potentially launch more in the future.
mana jobs CAN HELP
We match international skilled workers with the Canadian job best suited for their resume. By working with our sister company, mana immigration, bringing foreign workers via a work permit allows for a smooth and immediate process.
If you are looking to study in Canada, mana immigration will guide you throughout your student permit process. Their regulated immigration consultants will provide you detailed information about all things education in Canada. Enrolling in a designated learning institute as a foreign student is similar to a training bridge program – international students will be able to learn the knowledge and skills Canadian employers seek. Read here to learn more about education in Canada, the best designated learning institutions and how mana immigration can help.
Our team of labour market experts have the knowledge and tools to provide you effective consultancy. Message us today and we can help you determine which bridge training programs are the most beneficial for you. Also visit our job listings on our website and contact us for any inquiries.